
Divorce Lawyers in Elmira, NY 


Dissolving a marriage is rarely easy, but divorce lawyers can help. Hiring professional representation streamlines the process of negotiation and ensures that rights are protected regarding child custody and property division. Barton Law Firm, LLP offers topnotch legal advocates who can assist clients. 



The Divorce Process 


The process begins with one spouse serving the other with a divorce petition, This document is also filed in court, and it contains information such as the names of both parties, names of children, separate and community property, custody details, and any support details. The petition may also include temporary orders about where children reside, visitation schedules, support, and bill payment, The respondent needs to indicate agreement or disagreement with the petition by filing an answer that addresses each term. The remaining steps of the process involve working through any disagreements to arrive at an agreement that both parties accept. 



Reasons to Hire a Divorce Attorney 


Divorce lawyers can be helpful for partners navigating this process, especially when finances or custody issues require negotiation. Professional representation can be especially helpful for providing objective assistance at a time when emotions often run rampant. Attorneys can also help navigate cumbersome matrimonial laws, which lay people often don’t understand. Having a professional examine the intricacies of a case to suggest the best options can be advantageous. Even the ability to turn over mountains of paperwork to an attorney can be extremely beneficial. 



To ensure the best outcome and a streamlined process, divorce lawyers can be powerful advocates for anyone involved in a divorce. 



To have your questions answered or to schedule a time to come into our office for a consultation, contact us today at 607-732-2222.